The SNYPER-LTE+ (USA) is a high performance, multi-language network signal analyser dedicated to surveying the 4G/LTE & 3G/UMTS North American networks. The SNYPER-LTE+ (USA) does not require a SIM in order to provide network survey results.
It incorporates a number of important features and can perform three types of survey: 4G/LTE only, 3G/UMTS only and a combined 4G/LTE & 3G/UMTS survey. The combined 4G/LTE & 3G/UMTS survey will provide multiple results from each network operator, in one single survey.
The powerful SNYPER summary page displays percentage thresholds to determine the most suitable mobile network operator available and the performance of a “preferred” MNO can be evaluated against the other networks.
The SNYPER can also be used to help establish optimum antenna placement and perform local site surveys.